6.1 Menu bar
6.1 Menu bar
The menu bar contains several different options.
Open project
To upload a 3D file created in Google Sketchup or Roomdesigner (http://www.egger.com/DE_de/roomdesigner.htm)), click the “Open project” button. A window opens in which you can select the corresponding file on your computer. Then click “Open” (alternative: main navigation “File” > “Open”). The file is opened in 3Dstudio.
To use a Sketchup file for design work, the objects you want to design must be clicked on the left side and the file must be saved. The saved image is then loaded into PHOTOstudio for design work.
To save, click the “Floppy disc” icon. A window opens to display the projects in EXPLORER. Select the desired target folder in your own projects or create a new project folder (see chapter 4.2.2, “Own projects”), then enter a name for the 3D file and click “Save”.
Click the “Scale” icon to zoom in and out of the image sequence. Now hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse. If you drag the mouse down the screen, you zoom in to the object; if you drag the mouse up, you zoom out of the object. This lets you configure the optimum distance for the object.
If you want to rotate the view of the object – that is, examine the object from a different perspective – click the “Rotate” icon. If you hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse to the left, the object is rotated clockwise (to the right). If you move the mouse to the right, the object is rotated counter-clockwise (to the left). This lets you examine the object from the desired perspective.
Move camera
The “Move camera” icon allows you to move the object to the left or right in the image. If you hold the mouse button down and drag to the left, the object moves to the left of the work area; if you move the mouse to the right, the object moves in that direction.
Reset camera settings
This button lets you reset the configured settings.
Close 3Dstudio
If you want to return to the other program modules, click the “Close 3Dstudio” button at the top of the menu bar. 3Dstudio is closed and SPECTRUM 5 opens with the last active module view.
The “Display help” button displays the online version of the SPECTRUM 5 user manual (active Internet connection required).
Alternatively, you can also choose “Help”/“Online help”. The shortcut command for the help function is “F1”.