Introduction     EXPLORER     PHOTOstudio     3Dstudio     MATERIALstudio     SHOW     SPECTRUM_cloud     Extras     Download     
   4.1 Menu bar in Explorer
      4.1.1 Data view
      4.1.2. Search
      4.1.3. Help
      4.1.4. Filters
      4.1.5. Favourites
   4.2 “Projects” tab
      4.2.1 Samples EXTERIOR/INTERIOR
      4.2.2 Own projects
      4.2.3 Additional menu
   4.3 “Collections” tab
      4.3.1 Colour and material selection
      4.3.2 Own collections
   4.4 Filters
   4.5 Favourites


This module provides a clear overview of all the colour, material and image data as well as users’ own projects and favourites. The search function and filter settings help you to select specific colours and materials. New interfaces can be added from the SPECTRUM_cloud.
This chapter explains the individual EXPLORER tabs and their functions in detail.

Programmobefläche 1.) 4.1 Menu bar
2.) 4.2 “Projects” tab
3.) 4.3 “Collections” tab
4.) 4.4 Filters
5.) 4.5 Favourites