Introduction     EXPLORER     PHOTOstudio     3Dstudio     MATERIALstudio     SHOW     SPECTRUM_cloud     Extras     Download     
   4.1 Menu bar in Explorer
      4.1.1 Data view
      4.1.2. Search
      4.1.3. Help
      4.1.4. Filters
      4.1.5. Favourites
   4.2 “Projects” tab
      4.2.1 Samples EXTERIOR/INTERIOR
      4.2.2 Own projects
      4.2.3 Additional menu
   4.3 “Collections” tab
      4.3.1 Colour and material selection
      4.3.2 Own collections
   4.4 Filters
   4.5 Favourites

4.2 “Projects” tab

Register Projekte

The “Projects” tab provides an overview of all the image data (sample images and your own imported images) which you can use to design in SPECTRUM 5. This is also where you create and manage your own projects.