Introduction      EXPLORER     PHOTOstudio     3Dstudio     MATERIALstudio     SHOW     SPECTRUM_cloud     Extras     Download     
  1. Introduction
   1.1 Notes on using this manual
   1.2 Overview of chapters
   1.3 New features in SPECTRUM 5
2. Installation
   2.1 System requirements
   2.2 Installation of the program version and components
   2.3 Activation of software
      2.3.1 Activation with serial number
      2.3.2 Activation with CmStick (Dongle)
   2.4 Installation of basic data
   2.5 Updates
3. Program overview
   3.1 Structure of the program interface
   3.2 Program navigation – modules
   3.3 Main navigation
      3.3.1 File
      3.3.2 Edit
      3.3.3 Studio
      3.3.4 View
      3.3.5 Extras
      3.3.6 Help
   3.4 Shortcut commands

3.4 Shortcut commands

The use of shortcut commands makes it easier and faster to use PHOTOstudio and the EXPLORER:



Tastatur Page up
General: Zoom in (make image larger)
Alternative: scroll using the mouse wheel
Tastatur   Page down
General: Zoom out (make image smaller)
Alternative: scroll using the mouse wheel
Space bar + click
General: Move image (alternative drag keeping the right mouse button pressed)
Tastatur   Backspace
Prepare/area: Delete point (last added point is deleted, Prerequisite: area is open)
Tastatur   Del
Prepare/area: Delete point (select point, then click Del)
Note: If the end point of an area is deleted, it opens again and can be edited further
Tastatur   Shift + click
Prepare/area: Create straight line between two points (keep Shift pressed)
Tastatur   A
Prepare/area: Select all areas of an object
(“Prepare”/“Area” tabs)
Tastatur   Ctrl
Prepare/area: Move selection (move the mouse while holding the Ctrl key)
Tastatur   E + click
Prepare/area: Scale mode: Use “E” to change to “Scaling” mode, click a spot to set vanishing point (= initial point for scaling), use the “A” key to select all, keep “Ctrl” key pressed and drag keeping the mouse button pressed
Tastatur   I
Prepare/area: Invert selection
Tastatur   R + click
Prepare/area: Rotation mode: Use “R” to change to rotation mode, click a spot to set the rotating point (= initial point for rotation), use the “A” key to select all, keep “Ctrl” key pressed and rotate, keeping the mouse button pressed
Tastatur   S
Prepare/grid: Insert point in area/corner grid (keep “S” pressed and click a horizontal line)
Tastatur   Ctrl + click
Prepare/retouch: In stamp mode: Define source point
Tastatur   Ctrl + Z
Design: Undo one step
Tastatur   Ctrl + S
Design: Save an intermediate status in PHOTOstudio under an already defined name.
Tastatur   Ctrl + Shift + S
Decorate: Save a design in the PHOTOstudio with the issue of a new name.
Tastatur   Ctrl + P
Decorate: Print your draft

Tastatur   Ctrl + N
Create new project
Tastatur   Del
Delete file (select file, then click Del)
  Ctrl + X
Cut file
  Ctrl + C
Copy file
  Ctrl + V
Paste file