Einführung     EXPLORER     PHOTOstudio     3Dstudio     MATERIALstudio     SHOW     SPECTRUM_cloud     Extras     Download     
   5.1 Menu bar
      5.1.1 Open project
      5.1.2 Save project
      5.1.3 Print
      5.1.4 Forward/Back
      5.1.5 View buttons
      5.1.6 Rocket mode
      5.1.7 Help
      5.1.8 Show/hide object list/ColorChecker
   5.2 "Object list" tab
      5.2.1 Create/remove object list
      5.2.2 Object properties
      5.2.3 Brightness/contrast of objects
   5.3 "Prepare" tab
      5.3.1 Tools: Area
      5.3.2 Tools: Grid
      5.3.3 Tools: Retouch
   5.4 "Design" tab
      5.4.1 Collections
      5.4.2 Favourites
      5.4.3 3D objects: CapaCoustic Melapor & NMC
      5.4.4 Copy colours/materials into the object list
      5.4.5 Multiview pictures

5.2 "Object list" tab

5.2.1 Create/remove object list
To be able to design a façade or interior using different colours and materials, individual objects have to be defined. To do so, click the "Show/hide object list" button to display the object list in the menu bar.



Create object
Objekt anlegen
To create a new object, click the "+" button. A new level is created in the tab.
You can double-click the object to rename it (see chapter 5.2.2, "Object properties")


Delete object
Objekt löschen
Select an object in the list and then click the "-" icon in the tab. If you confirm the prompt with "Yes", the object is irrevocably deleted.