Einführung     EXPLORER     PHOTOstudio     3Dstudio     MATERIALstudio     SHOW     SPECTRUM_cloud     Extras     Download     
   5.1 Menu bar
      5.1.1 Open project
      5.1.2 Save project
      5.1.3 Print
      5.1.4 Forward/Back
      5.1.5 View buttons
      5.1.6 Rocket mode
      5.1.7 Help
      5.1.8 Show/hide object list
   5.2 "Object list" tab
      5.2.1 Create/remove object list
      5.2.2 Object properties
      5.2.3 Brightness/contrast of objects/ColorChecker
   5.3 "Prepare" tab
      5.3.1 Tools: Area
      5.3.2 Tools: Grid
      5.3.3 Tools: Retouch
   5.4 "Design" tab
      5.4.1 Collections
      5.4.2 Favourites
      5.4.3 3D objects: CapaCoustic Melapor & NMC
      5.4.4 Copy colours/materials into the object list
      5.4.5 Multiview pictures
  5.2.2 Object properties

You can display the object properties of an active object with the gear icon or by right-clicking or double-clicking the name of an object.



Name object
Enter an appropriate name under "Object name" (such as Ceiling, Left wall, Base etc.) and click "Save" to confirm.

Decolour object
Click "X" for "Decolour object" and then click "Save".

Move object up
Here you can move the component level up. The levels underneath are then covered. If the component has already been assigned a colour/material, it is removed when the component is moved.

Move object down
Here you can move the component level down. The levels underneath then cover this level. If this component has already been assigned a colour/material, it is removed when the component is moved.

Show material details
Choose "Show material details" if you want to display detailed information on the colour hue or material of the object. (See chapter 4.3.1, "Colour and material selection").

Copy material to favourites list
The colour or material is added to the currently selected list of favourites.

Material rotation
When you use materials, you can change their rotation in 45° increments (for example, the direction in which wooden floors are laid).