Einführung     EXPLORER     PHOTOstudio     3Dstudio     MATERIALstudio     SHOW     SPECTRUM_cloud     Extras     Download     
   5.1 Menüleiste
      5.1.1 Open project
      5.1.2 Save project
      5.1.3 Print
      5.1.4 Forward/Back
      5.1.5 View buttons
      5.1.6 Rocket mode
      5.1.7 Help
      5.1.8 Show/hide object list
   5.2 "Object list" tab
      5.2.1 Create/remove object list
      5.2.2 Object properties
      5.2.3 Brightness/contrast of objects/ColorChecker
   5.3 "Prepare" tab
      5.3.1 Tools: Area
      5.3.2 Tools: Grid
      5.3.3 Tools: Retouch
   5.4 "Design" tab
      5.4.1 Collections
      5.4.2 Favourites
      5.4.3 3D objects: CapaCoustic Melapor & NMC
      5.4.4 Copy colours/materials into the object list
      5.4.5 Multiview pictures
  5.4.5 Multiview pictures

Some library pictures are "Multiview" pictures, i.e. there are various spatial views for these pictures. This provides you with the possibility of "moving" in a room.
The various spatial views are displayed in the work space at the lower right.
A click on a different view displays this new view.
Your colour design is always updated in all views. For example, if you design the wall A in view 1 with the colour May 5, then in view 2 the wall A is also assigned the colour May 5.
Note: You can always only save one view and this is the one which is currently loaded into the work space. All the other views and colours, which only appear in these other views, are discarded. The saved picture is then no longer a "Multiview" picture.
